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Thursday, May 30, 2013

A National Perspective

How many people can say I have found my dream job? No one I know has uttered these words. This week, as I looked through my national lens, I found three job opportunities that fit my strengths, education, and interests. 

I have a special place in my heart for the British people as I am of British decent. I stay abreast of trends and issues regularly by visiting The British Association for Early Childhood Education at This association is designed in a fashion different than that of NAEYC. This group focuses on special program issues and provides technical assistance and training to professionals. I would enjoy being an Early Education Associates under this organization. All associates “are established leading early childhood education specialists, who support both strategically and practically, the training, professional development and mentoring needs of multi-professional teams to work with the parents, families and friends who support each child to learn effectively” (Early Education, 2013).

Designing and delivering professional development has become a love of mine over the last 10 years. Many who know me are shocked that I can stand in front of a large group and discuss and lead activities on topics of education. The key here is education. I have a strong passion for every topic I present sessions. For this reason, I visited the Early Childhood Outcomes Center at Working with this organization, I would take pride in being an on-site professional development director and/or trainer for regional and local staff on issues related to outcome measurement. In addition to this work I would also work “with agencies as they work with stakeholder groups on a variety of topics related to outcomes measurement, such as the design of an outcomes measurement system” (ECOC, 2013). I thrive on seeing progress come out of work, planning, and combined efforts.

Lastly, I stay informed on specific topics of interest by visiting the National Institute for Early Education Research at As a Research Project Coordinator, I would lead efforts in examining a subject to its fullest extent. In addition to witnessing progress, I have to know the purpose. Just as a three year old says ‘why,’ I declare ‘why and how’.

With the addition of a MSECS, I would be ready to step into any of these roles. My BS in Human Services Administration is an asset for any of these positions. It goes without saying that I would need to continue my education in regards to early childhood education, issues and trends. Additionally, I would need to seek out specific courses to increase my education on special needs and research skills.


The British Association for Early Childhood Education. (2013).
Early Childhood Outcomes Center. (2013).
National Institute for Early Education Research. (2013).

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Exploring Roles in the ECE Community

I have already had wonderful opportunities to serve varied roles in the field of early childhood. In each of these roles I gained new perspectives and was able to advocate for children and families in different ways. This week I have taken yet another look into other roles and positions in which I can leverage what I have learned in the past to create brighter and positive outcomes for children and families. 

Three local and state organizations I would love to engage with include the local Family Service Association, National Children’s Alliance, and Strengthening Families. These organizations operate with children and families at the core. Due to my appeal to engage families in the education process and journey I am pulled to the Family Service Association and Strengthening Families. The Family Service Association offers many services and programs to enrich the family network. The Child Care Resource and Referral in Cincinnati, Ohio coordinates a Strengthening Families project that has reduced the numbers of child abuse cases in specific neighborhoods over the past 2-3 years. I would love to replicate this program in my region. Children are the most fragile citizens, National Children’s Alliance works to empower and protect them. Through researching these organizations and learning what they do, I am inspired to do more every day to help children and families live safe, and successful lives.

Three jobs that I am interested in adding to my resume and experience are a Help Me Grow Coordinator, family advocate, and adjunct college professor. My master’s degree in the Early Childhood Studies will provide a strong education base for any of these positions. My work as a Human Services Administration scholar would be utilized as a family advocate. The experience I have teaching professional development workshops to early childhood professionals has served as widespread practice and application for me over the last 10 years. The education I would need to obtain to be a Help Me Grow Coordinator is some additional education courses on special needs and early intervention. While I have 20 years in the field, I have not had much experience working with children and families when developmental delays are a factor. Working in these three positions would provide a well-rounded aspect to my career.

Family Service Association.
Strengthening Families.